© 2025

Teresa Hunker handles all rentals &

reservations for the park, pavilions, and the

community building. Call 717-512-0140, or


2025 Calendar of Events New Announcement: From now on pets must be kept on a leash AT ALL TIMES. Signs are being posted. If people continue to not clean up after their pets, the next step will be to BAN ALL PETS from the park.
Park & Recreation Committee meets the first Wednesday of every month in the Community Park Building at 7 p.m.
Community Park
ADMINISTRATION Call Curt Black at 717-589-3598 Grant Writing, Fundraising, Development of a donation/sponsorship program for future park expansion and improvements. POOL Help with spring pool preparation and painting. DONATIONS Call the above listed phone number to donate: Christmas lights, indoor and outdoor, but must be in working condition. FRIENDS OF MILLERSTOWN COMMUNITY PARK Helpful volunteers working to make our park better. If you have a few spare hours, we sure could use your help!
Millerstown Disc Golf Course Description: Great 9 hole in a beautiful park Click here for Course webpage ..>> Mando to left of big tree on hole 8,tee offs are from paved areas (path, parking lot, etc) follow map as best you can, signage is coming!! Only use league layout if the park is not busy, safety is our priority, thank you! Course Contact: Lisa Lilly 717-226-3707
© 2025
ADMINISTRATION, call Curt Black at 717-589-3598 Grant writing,Fundraising, Development of a donation/sponsorship program for future park expansion and improvements. POOL Help with spring pool preparation and painting. DONATIONS - call the above listed phone number to donate - Christmas lights, indoor and outdoor, new or used, but in working condition. FRIENDS OF MILLERSTOWN COMMUNITY PARK Helpful volunteers working to make our park better. If you have a few spare hours, we sure could use your help!
Park & Recreation Committee meets the first Wednesday of every month in the Community Park Building at 7 p.m. Latest Park Committee Minutes

Teresa Hunker handles all rentals & reservations for

the park, pavilions, and the community building.

Call 717-512-0140, or email

2025 Calendar of Events
Millerstown Disc Golf Course Description: Great 9 hole in a beautiful park Click here for Course webpage .. >> Mando to left of big tree on hole 8,tee offs are from paved areas (path, parking lot, etc) follow map as best you can, signage is coming!! Only use league layout if the park is not busy, safety is priority, thank you! Course Contact: Lisa Lilly 717-226-3707
New Announcement: From now on pets must be kept on a leash AT ALL TIMES. Signs are being posted. If people continue to not clean up after their pets, the next step will be to BAN ALL PETS from the park.