© 2025
------------------------------------------------------------------ Millerstown Community Pool P.O. Box 197 Millerstown, PA 17062 717) 589-7265 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Pool Pals Committee Chairperson/Public Relations - George Moore Secretary - Tessa Hinterliter Financial Secretary - Stephanie Moore Head Fundraiser - Deb Mullen Assistant Fundraiser - Mary Kissinger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALL HELP IS WELCOME! Volunteers are needed now and for the future of the pool. Monetary help is also welcomed. Should anyone care to make a tax exempt donation, a check can be made out to 'Millerstown Recreational Committee/Pool' and sent to P.O. Box 197, Millerstown, PA 17062. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Information for the 2024 Pool Season - HOURS: Daily 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (August 11 :00 a.m. - 7:00 p. m.) Weather permitting and if there is a scheduled event the pool will close at 5:45 p.m.( 5 p.m. in Aug.) CHECK for event postings at the pool or on Facebook DAILY ADMISSION: $6.00 4 years & up $3.00 Senior Citizen (60 years 6 up) $2.00 After 6:00 p.m. There is no admission fee for grandparents/babysitters who are not swimming as long as they are with a paying/season pass customer. ___________________________________________________ RENTAL INFORMATION: Pavilion $50.00 (during non- operation hours) Deposit for all rentals Pavilion Party $50.00 plus $3 per swimmer (reg.hours) (forfeited if cancelled within Private Pool Party $225.00 ($100 Deposit) 2 weeks of date) Private Pool Rental available Fri, Sat, & Sun starting @ 6pm - (5pm in August) *New this year - Furnished Cabana Rentals - $25 per day Reservations for pool and pavilion or questions: contact George Moore 717-303-9695
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Millerstown Community Pool
MILLERSTOWN SWIMMING POOL RULES & REGULATIONS *** These rules are designed for the health and safety of patrons and staff. Please obey all safety rules. Violations could result in injury or death. 1. Instructions by lifeguards must be obeyed at all times 2. Do not distract lifeguards 3. Horseplay, such as running, splashing, shoving, or dunking, is not allowed 4. Diving area regulations: a. One diver on the board and/or ladder at a time b. Next diver must wait until previous diver clears diving area c. No diving toward the side of the pool d. No swimming in the diving area except to exit pool e. Feet first entries only from high board 5. No glass containers allowed 6. Only pool personnel allowed behind the counter 7. No alcoholic beverages or drugs allowed in pool area or parking area 8. Profanity, vulgar language, indecent or offensive behavior, and intoxication are not allowed 9. Baby pool is for infants and toddlers only 10. Children under age 10 MUST be accompanied and SUPERVISED by a parent or babysitter (15 years or older) 11. There must be no fraudulent use of the membership pass 12. THE POOL STAFF HAS COMPLETE AUTHORITY AND MUST BE OBEYED AT ALL TIMES. SWIMMING PRIVILEGES MAY BE FORFEITED FOR RULE INFRACTIONS. GENERALLY, INFRACTIONS WILL BE DEALT WITH AS FOLLOWS: a. First Offense — One-day suspension of pool privileges b. Second Offense — One-week suspension of pool privileges c. Third Offense — Revocation of pool pass and/or privileges *** The pool reserves the right to suspend or revoke pool privileges depending on the severity of the offense.
© 2025
Millerstown Community Pool P.O. Box 197 Millerstown, PA 17062 717) 589-7265 --------------------------------------------------------- Information for the 2024 Pool Season HOURS: Daily 11 :00 - 8:00 p.m. (August 11 :00 to 7:00 p.m.) Weather permitting and if there is a scheduled event the pool will close at 5:45 p.m.(5 pm in Aug.) CHECK for event postings at the pool or on Facebook. DAILY ADMISSION: $6.00 4 years & up $3.00 Senior Citizen (60 years 6 up) $2.00 After 6:00 p.m. There is no admission fee for grandparents/babysitters who are not swimming as long as they are with a paying/season pass customer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MILLERSTOWN SWIMMING POOL RULES & REGULATIONS *** These rules are designed for the health and safety of patrons and staff. Please obey all safety rules. Violations could result in injury or death. 1. Instructions by lifeguards must be obeyed at all times 2. Do not distract lifeguards 3. Horseplay, such as running, splashing, shoving, or dunking, is not allowed 4. Diving area regulations: a. One diver on the board and/or ladder at a time b. Next diver must wait until previous diver clears diving area c. No diving toward the side of the pool d. No swimming in the diving area except to exit pool e. Feet first entries only from high board 5. No glass containers allowed 6. Only pool personnel allowed behind the counter 7. No alcoholic beverages or drugs allowed in pool area or parking area 8. Profanity, vulgar language, indecent or offensive behavior, and intoxication are not allowed 9. Baby pool is for infants and toddlers only 10. Children under age 10 MUST be accompanied and SUPERVISED by a parent or babysitter (15 years or older) 11. There must be no fraudulent use of the membership pass 12. THE POOL STAFF HAS COMPLETE AUTHORITY AND MUST BE OBEYED AT ALL TIMES. SWIMMING PRIVILEGES MAY BE FORFEITED FOR RULE INFRACTIONS. GENERALLY, INFRACTIONS WILL BE DEALT WITH AS FOLLOWS: a. First Offense — One-day suspension of pool privileges b. Second Offense — One-week suspension of pool privileges c. Third Offense — Revocation of pool pass and/or privileges *** The pool reserves the right to suspend or revoke pool privileges depending on the severity of the offense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pool Pals Committee Chairperson/Public Relations - George Moore Secretary - Tessa Hinterliter Financial Secretary - Stephanie Moore Head Fundraiser - Deb Mullen Assistant Fundraiser - Mary Kissinger ALL HELP IS WELCOME! Volunteers are needed now and for the future of the pool. Monetary help is also welcomed. Should anyone care to make a tax exempt donation, a check can be made out to 'Millerstown Recreational Committee/Pool' and sent to P.O. Box 197, Millerstown, PA 17062. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Millerstown Community Pool