© millerstown.org 2024
Borough Office Hours : Mon., Wed., Fri. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Borough Office phone & fax # 717-589-3738
Address... 44 North High Street, Millerstown, PA. 17062 E-Mail... boro@millerstown.org
Official copies of ordinances, minutes, and other documents are available at the Borough Municipal building at a cost
of $.25 per page for single sided copies.
Millerstown Borough Council :
Rob Shipp, Council President
Kevin Hertzler, Council Vice-President
Donna Showers, Councilmember
Rich Fegley, Councilmember
Tim Ritzman, Councilmember
Borough Facilities Manager : Jared Wagner
Borough Facilities Operator : Brycen Little
Borough & Authority Engineer : Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG)
2024 Borough Council &
Municipal Authority Meeting
... read here.
*** Notice ***
Recycling Procedure
Recycling is done by bag purchase
and then depositing in the collection
bin located at the Community Park
lot. Bags are available for purchase
at the Borough Office Mon., Wed. &
Fri. from 9 am- 1 pm.
Price is $4 per bag.
Full list of acceptable items can be
found here >>>
Millerstown Borough Website Disclaimer
Information provided on this website is a service to the community to make it easier to find answers to questions and provide access to
sources of Borough information. There is an effort made to keep this information up-to-date and accurate. However, complete accuracy may
not always be possible.
Millerstown Borough makes no warranties or guarantees, and will not be held liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct,
consequential, incidental, special, or claim of attorney fees, arising from use of information found within the pages of the Millerstown
Borough website.
Mayor: John Kerns
Secretary/Treasurer: Karen Knellinger
Solicitor: Dissinger & Dissinger
Tax Collector: Kimberly J. Savercool
Phone - 717-991-6679
Email - kscool1959@gmail.com
The application for Zoning is available
below. Fees may apply depending on
the project.
*Zoning Permit Application*
Contact Zoning Officer
Timothy V. Reilly for more details at
* Millerstown Zoning Ordinance *
Things to know before you start
building on or modifying your
property …
Millerstown Borough Government
Brush & Leaf Pick-up is suspended from
December 1st - April 1st.
There is now a sign-up sheet to speak
at the Council meetings for a
maximum of 3 minutes per person.