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ORDINANCE #77 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF MILLERSTOWN RESTRICTING THE KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS, PRESCRIBING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH CERTAIN ANIMALS MAY BE KEPT AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. The Borough of Millerstown hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep any chickens or other fowl, pigs, horses, cattle, goats, rabbits, sheep, or any other livestock at any place within the Borough unless such animals shall be kept in a pen, shelter, coop or other proper enclosure, which pen, shelter, coop or other enclosure shall not be less than two hundred (200) feet from any residential dwelling occupied otherwise than by the person owning or keeping such chickens or other fowl, pigs, horses, cattle, goats, rabbits, sheep or other livestock. SECTION 2: The keeping of chickens or other fowl, pigs, horses, cattle, goats, rabbits, sheep or other livestock shall be according to the following: All animal quarters shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, free from vermin, and shall be dry, airy, well lighted, and not overcrowded. Animals shall be kept in good condition, clean, healthy and free from disease No animal shall be permitted to run at large. All refuse, food and excrement shall be removed as often as necessary to prevent odors from developing therefrom. SECTION 3: Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) and costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days. Provided: each day that a violation shall be permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. ENACTED this 7th day of June, 1984. Sylvester G. Musser President ATTEST: Patsy Goodling Secretary APPROVED this 7th day of June, 1984.
© 2025
ORDINANCE #77 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF MILLERSTOWN RESTRICTING THE KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS, PRESCRIBING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH CERTAIN ANIMALS MAY BE KEPT AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. The Borough of Millerstown hereby ordains as follows: SECTION 1: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep any chickens or other fowl, pigs, horses, cattle, goats, rabbits, sheep, or any other livestock at any place within the Borough unless such animals shall be kept in a pen, shelter, coop or other proper enclosure, which pen, shelter, coop or other enclosure shall not be less than two hundred (200) feet from any residential dwelling occupied otherwise than by the person owning or keeping such chickens or other fowl, pigs, horses, cattle, goats, rabbits, sheep or other livestock. SECTION 2: The keeping of chickens or other fowl, pigs, horses, cattle, goats, rabbits, sheep or other livestock shall be according to the following: All animal quarters shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, free from vermin, and shall be dry, airy, well lighted, and not overcrowded. Animals shall be kept in good condition, clean, healthy and free from disease No animal shall be permitted to run at large. All refuse, food and excrement shall be removed as often as necessary to prevent odors from developing therefrom. SECTION 3: Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) and costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days. Provided: each day that a violation shall be permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. ENACTED this 7th day of June, 1984. Sylvester G. Musser President ATTEST: Patsy Goodling Secretary APPROVED this 7th day of June, 1984.